Thursday, August 28, 2008

Two doctor's appointments and a goodbye

Today was a big day for the kids and me. Sarah had her 2 year checkup and baby Aaron had his 2 week well baby check at the same time. This was nice for me because it was only one co-pay and I didn't have to make two trips on Hwy. 280. But the whole trip was quite hectic... starting with yesterday, Wednesday. I woke up in a start because baby Aaron slept 7 hours straight and my body is not used to it yet. (Nursing mothers will understand what I'm talking about) Then I remembered we had a doctor's appointment and it was already 10am! It takes us a while to get out of the door now, so I started my routine right away. Get Sarah fed, check. Fix hair..., brush teeth..., wash face and hands..., put on both kids outfits..., feed the baby..., brush MY teeth..., put on MY clothes..., attempt to look normal..., CHECK. About this time it's 11:45am, our appointment is at 12:30pm and we need to get in the car and GO! I got them in the car, made sure I had everything I needed in my diaper bag, and away we go. Only to figure out half way to the doctor's office that their appointments were on Thursday. STINK! I called Aaron to be consoled and he told me he was sorry for the confusion and that he thought it was on Thursday also, but didn't want to say anything. (NEXT TIME SAY SOMETHING!) So we went home, and I put Sarah down for her nap and we had a relaxing afternoon before Bible Class and Worship.

Take #2... Baby Aaron slept all night again, so I woke up hurting again. But I am pleased that he is sleeping through the night so quickly. We went through the same routine, a little slower. Got everybody in the car and off we went... again.

The appointments went well for both kids. Sarah is highly advanced in her speech and her knowledge of colors, letters, and numbers. She is tall and slender according to her doctor. She acted very well for her. They did have to do a finger prick to make sure she wasn't anemic (this is routine for 2 year check-up). She told the nurse "ow" when she pricked her finger, but didn't cry at all. I was surprised. Baby Aaron is also advanced with his head control and strength. He now weighs 10lbs. 10oz.! Within a week he's put on 10oz., he's growing fast!

After we left the doctor's office we headed to Wal-Mart where I had to pick up a couple of pictures I sent in to be printed. When we arrived, I couldn't find my check book anywhere. OH NO... I had left it at the doc's office. Sigh... So I called to make sure it was there. Then we all got back in the car (which is a task with two small children in car seats), and headed back. It's pushing 2pm by now, which is nap time and we hadn't eaten any lunch yet, so everyone is getting cranky (including me). We ran through the McDonald's drive through and Sarah ate french fries while in Wal-Mart. By the time we got home, baby Aaron was very hungry and Sarah was ready for her nap. I just wanted to collapse! All was well, at least we all were safe and healthy.

Now the goodbye part...

Mom and Dad were here from Saturday to Wednesday (too short of a visit if you ask me). We had a lot of fun except for the tropical storm dumping buckets of rain on us the whole time. I had plans for us to go to the zoo and maybe the park so they could play with Sarah. It didn't work out that way. The only day it was nice and sunny was Sunday... as most of us know, Sundays are a hectic day (especially with kids), they don't leave room for a trip to the park. Sunday was fun though because we got to go out to lunch with my Mom's brother and sister. My Uncle Roger and his wife, Aunt Barbara and my Aunt Janice. We went to Cracker Barrell and had some "good home cookin". I enjoyed the visit. They don't live very far away from us, but it's hard to get together with day to day life.

This is my Aunt Janice holding baby Aaron for the first time.

Uncle Roger not wanting his picture taken.

My Dad and Sarah. The first time she drank coffee. She loved it, how funny! Aunt Barbara is sitting next to them.

My Uncle Roger, Mom (Myra), and Aunt Janice. Rockin away...

So after a good visit, we had to say goodbye. It was hard, but with me just having a c-section I was tired and needed a good rest. I miss them dearly when they go back home. Being so far away makes me sad, but I know they miss us too. It's funny, you look back and remember when you thought your parent knew nothing. I've come to realize, my parents knew a lot. We don't tell them we love them enough, nor how much we respect them. I hope they know this, but if they don't... thanks Dad and Mom, for holding on to me when I pushed away. For never giving up, even though I gave up on myself. For always making an effort to be part of my life. And most of all, thank you for caring enough to put God into my life. Without Him, I am nothing. Someday, I hope my kids look back and feel half of the love and admiration I feel for both of you. I love you.

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