After so much time waiting for him, he's finally here! And boy, did he arrive with a bang. We went in last Friday (8-8-08) for a scheduled c-section because I did not go into labor naturally. Come to find out it was the best thing because he was too big for me to have. The doctor, while I was on the operating table, told us that he would probably be about eight and a half pounds. As they pulled him out, everyone gasped. One of the nurses yelled out, "are you ready for some football?". His cry was deep for a newborn, kind of like a growl. We were all waiting for them to weigh him. When they announced that he was 9lbs, 12oz. I thought I was going to pass out! He did well until we got up in our room. His breathing was a little fast and because of that, they didn't want me to nurse him right away. They did allow me to nurse him one time and then decided that he needed to go to the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) to have everything checked out. By that time, his blood sugar level was at 41, which is considered low. They did a chest x-ray and found that he had a little bit of fluid in his lungs, so it was decided he would stay up there and get a course of antibiotics and an IV to give him glucose through. He did not eat by mouth for a day and a half. This was hard on Aaron and I, but we knew that he was in the best hands and that he would be alright. Thank you to everyone who said a prayer for him, I know that was the best medicine of all! Here's a picture of the first time we were able to see him in the NICU.While in the NICU, I was pumping and taking milk up to him so that he would still get all the good stuff he needed to help him. He did get a little formula because he needed a greater volume. By Sunday, they allowed me to start nursing him every 4 hours. I was so thankful that it didn't interfere with my desire to nurse him. I nursed Sarah until she was 12 months old and it was such a wonderful experience, for both of us. I really believe that's the reason she's such a healthy little girl. We have had no major illnesses and she rarely even gets the sniffles.
Monday around 5pm he came back to us in our room. I was so happy! Before he came I was cleaning the room and reorganizing, as if the President was coming for a visit. I just couldn't sit still!! (Aaron took a nap in my bed... hahaha) He had his circumcision done right before they brought him to me, so I was worried he would be in a foul mood and not want to nurse, but he was a dream. He slept well that night and we were both discharged the next morning.
Sarah has done wonderfully with her new little brother. She's his protector. When he cries, she gets emotional and asks

Life is a little more hectic, but we welcome all the changes with open arms. We couldn't ask for a better family and know who we give the credit to. God has blessed us beyond our wildest dreams. With all of our doubts, we know that He takes care of us and guides us through the hard times and the good times. Praise God!
Great post and congratulations!!! He is just beautiful, they both are!