Sarah has been keeping us tickled pink the last couple of days with her sayings. I thought I would share a couple of stories with you...
While out and about with Daddy and me doing some chores, Sarah asked to go to the potty.
Right as her booty touched the seat she announced she was done. Aaron told her it wasn't okay to say you need to go to the potty when you really don't. (Sometimes she uses the potty to get out of boring situations, like sitting at the table.) He asked her, "do you understand?" She didn't reply back so he said, "you don't understand." As he said that Sarah looked up at him and said, "uh-huh! and I'm serious."
Another time Aaron was playing around with Sarah and asked if she would like to ride in the trunk of the car. Sarah thought that idea was pretty neat and got very excited. Aaron realized she didn't understand that it wasn't safe so he told her it was too dangerous for her to ride back there. She looked at him and said, "it's not dangerous, I'm not scared!"
For such a little girl, she will be 2 next month, she has a great imagination and knows just how to express it. She keeps us on our toes!
So Cute! Love the picture and your new page!