Today was a joyous day, and an emotional one for me. My little girl, Sarah Ruth, turned two. We didn't do anything special today because Aaron is out of town. We had a little get together with some family Sunday night, but her party will not be until September 27th. I caught myself many times today looking at her and remembering all the little things that flew by. I remember all the milestones like smiling for the first time, rolling over, crawling, saying her first word... it seems now that everyday she does something new and exciting. The sad part is that she wants to do everything herself. Sometimes you wonder if she even needs her Mommy, but then she will turn to you and stroke your cheek and say, "I love you too, Mommy" without you even saying I love you to her.

It's like she senses it. As I right this right now I have tears in my eyes. It's especially hard with the baby here because he just started smiling and cooing and it takes me back... I wonder if we didn't enjoy it enough, because those times are so fleeting. I wouldn't take back anything and I'm so proud of the little girl she has become. She so kind, affectionate, loving, helpful and smart. My heart bursts everytime I hear a new prayer she is saying and who or what she is praying for. Her innocence amazes me. Besides Aaron, I think she really is my best friend. I miss her at night after she's gone to bed. I know I'm just rambling, but every word is so true. Sometimes I catch my

breath when I start thinking about how quickly she's growing. It seems I want her to stay little forever, but know she won't. I never thought as a parent you could have such joy and heartache at the same time. I'm so proud of her. She's my extra set of hands, my personal comedian, and my kissin' and huggin' bud. Happy birthday, Sarah. Mommy loves you... too.
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