Anita is such a great cook and one of her specialties is sugar cookies. Family up North was asking us over Thanksgiving if she had made any of her cookies yet. Well, Sarah was her big helper this year. Anita is a great teacher and very patient. Anita and Sarah kept saying - "ready for the next phase?". It was adorable. It made me think about my Grandmas and how I would have liked to get to know them better. I wish I had more memories of Grandma Brown. Grandma Miller passed away before I was born. Of course, now I have Grandma Lou, Aaron's Grandmother, to step in. She is very special to all of us. I tried to put myself in Sarah's position while she baked with Anita. Wondered how it felt to have such a sweet Mammie. My Grandma Brown was very sweet, but I didn't get to see her very often. I hope all the Grandma's know how much we love them.
Thanks Anita, for taking time with Sarah to make her feel special. She learns so much from you. I learn a lot from you too. Patience, love and get on the ground- roll around- silliness. We love you!
SWEET! Love your new page :)