Today as I was cooking some yummies for the kiddos and me I began to reflect back on the last five years of my life. (Wow... this entry sound very thought provocing, doesn't it?) I am 25 years old and have lived such a wonderful life! Especially since my husband and my little babies came into it. Five years ago this time I was frantically trying to get the last little things together for our August wedding. I loved our wedding, it was so personal and down-key. I had so much wonderful help from my family, especially my mother-in-law. My Mom lives kinda far away - so we did as much together as was possible. Our honeymoon was wonderful! I liked that we got away from everybody and went to a little bed and breakfast in the country. Part of the time we came back home to our apartment, but no one knew about it!! Then we bought our house... and found out we were pregnant with Sarah Ruth. She's been such a joy. I get a little teary-eyed thinking about how quickly she has gotten out of the baby stage. She will be 3 in a couple of months. And then, a year later we got pregnant with AJ. His timing was perfect. Sarah Ruth adores her brother and so do we! The stage he is in is SO much fun! There are so many memories these last 5 years, too many to list. I'm so thankful we are all healthy and happy. I'm so content in my life. We have things we need to work on (but who doesn't?). Life is a journey, not a straight course throught life. Sometimes you get into valleys and sometimes you peak on a mountain. God has been good to us!
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