Thursday, July 16, 2009

Coupons, freebies and stacking

Hey all! I'm so tickled about learning some of the coupon games that stores play. Recently I've been receiving LOTS of samples and coupons in the mail. I've even gotten some things ABSOLUTELY FREE from CVS. I love their extra bucks program. I'm going to a seminar the 28th to try to learn a few more tips. It only seems fair to me that during these hard economic times that I try my best to save my family money. Did you know that most restaurants have freebie days? Arby's, for example, has freebie Wednesday. If you buy a drink you most likely will get a sandwhich for free! What a steal! It's a lot of fun researching and trying to "trick" the companies... The kids and I went to a free movie Wednesday at the Rave Theatres. It was a lot of fun! Of course the theatre wants you to buy popcorn and drinks for an outrageous amount, but we snuck in some m&m's and brought their own drinks in the sippy cups. I kind of have an excuse for that because of AJ's allergies. I never know what are going to be in foods that he might react to. Anyway - just thought I would spill a little bit about my new found success! ;)

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