(Sigh...) Another one of those days... I'm writing this at 7pm, and I feel like it's midnight. I'm spent. Emotionally and physically spent. Let me explain what happened.
The day started off really well, actually. Sarah woke up around 8:30am and I heard the little patter of feet come into my room and say, "hi

Momma!". She's sleeping so well in her big girl bed. I did hear her cry a little in her sleep last night a couple of times, but I didn't think anything about it. I rolled out of bed and gave her some breakfast and her vitamin. While I was going through my morning routine, Sarah came running at me and telling me she was sick. I asked her if she threw up and she said yes. Oh no. I didn't find any throw up anywhere, but I think she was telling me she felt like she was going to throw up. (First hint of something wrong) I got Sarah dressed, her teeth brushed, and her hairbow put in. Then I fed the baby and got him dressed.
I had some things left over for Kid's Market (a children's consignment sale, it's huge and I love it) that I HAD to take today. It was the last drop off day for contributors. I had the hardest time finding somebody to watch the kids for me. They don't allow children there while you drop off. Finally, last night at 10pm Rick said I could drop the kids off at his work so he could watch them for me and show them off to his work buddies. Big relief for me. So that's where we were headed. I loaded up my stuff and the kids and we drove about 20 minutes to his work. Sarah was already kind of fussy, and her nose had started running by then. When we arrived, I noticed her eyes had started watering. Hmmm... she still was acting fine though. She was very excited to see Pop-pop. When everyone was settled, I left for what I hoped was only about an hour. Wrong! It took me three whole hours to get back to them. What a mess! I finally got back and Sarah was looking pretty rough then. I could tell she had a fever and everything was runny and watering. She also wouldn't go to the bathroom. Uh-oh. Sarah had some "girly" problems a couple of weeks ago, so I thought here we go again. Her doctor's office was closed for lunch, so I decided to just go ahead and head up there. It's about a 30 minute drive from Rick's office. Thankfully so because I got ahold of them and they had an appointment about 10 minutes after we could get there. Sarah had to leave a potty sample in a cup, which is not fun to get her to do that. A lot of screaming. Her urine was clear, she's just got some irritation again so when she potties, it burns. Besides that, she has pink-eye in both eyes and a nasty cold. Dr. Waldo wrote us some prescriptions and sent us on our way. On the way home, Sarah kept asking me to hold her. It broke my heart because I had to tell her I couldn't while I was driving. I needed to get the kids home as quickly as possible, but I had to get the prescriptions. Thankfully, our cousin Amy said she would go to the pharmacy for me and I could take them home. I dropped the prescriptions off at her house and we went home. Sarah had trouble taking her nap and the baby wanted to nurse non-stop for about 2 hours. Finally everyone was asleep napping and I got to pee and eat something for the first time all day. What a mess! We're all at home now, thankfully. Sarah's still very whiny and her nose is already very red from wiping it so much. Say a little prayer for us, all of us. The day was especially hard because Aaron is still out of town on business. He'll be home Friday, but it wouldn't have been nice to have him around today. I really miss him. After such a hectic day, it makes you appreciate the "normal" days. Maybe tomorrow will be a little more calm. I still expect to have a sick little girl, but laying around on the couch watching movies might make everything a little easier on her. I must say, I really don't like colds, or pink-eye!
After all the running around in the car, it was just about a full tank of gas... therefore the name of this post.

Here are some new pics of baby Aaron!