Tuesday, July 29, 2008

What will he look like?

I was going through pictures of Sarah as a baby today and started wondering what little Aaron will look like. Of course, I'm partial to bald babies because Sarah didn't have any hair until she was about 14 months old. Will he have hair? What color will it be? And the all important question...


Enjoy the pics of Sarah as a baby...

Saturday, July 19, 2008

First Love

We recently went to the zoo with some of our friends. A three year old boy, Sam, came along with us and Sarah was very excited. They are good "church" buddies. They've always gotten along so well and love to play with each other. That day we really got to see what good friends they had become. While walking in the zoo they would hold hands and loved running after each other. The last thing we did that day was play at the little water park they have set up by the food. Sam and Sarah had a blast and I'm so glad they got to do that. Sam is a little shy about new things, but Sarah isn't. She brought him out of his shell and they just had a blast. As a mother, it warms my heart to see my child having so much fun. It's nice to know she has a little friend that understands her so well. She calls him "my Sam". Such innocence.

The Last Hoorah

I recommend everyone go and see the new Batman movie, The Dark Night. It was such a good movie! We had a blast going out with some of our friends. Sarah had a great time with family at Pop-pop and Mammie's house. I actually made it all the way through without a potty break, of course I was about to explode when it was over... but I got to see the whole thing! Aaron can't wait until the next one comes out. He said he saw somewhere that the same actors signed on for 2 more movies. We were hoping the baby wouldn't come before the movie, so all systems are a go now! Let the waiting begin...

Friday, July 18, 2008

Big Boy!

Yesterday was such a hectic day!

I had a doctor's appointment in the morning with my OBGYN to check on the baby. I am now 36 weeks and he can come at any day now. I guess the doctor has been thinking that he is going to be a big baby because everytime she measures my stomach she comments on the size. Because of this, she scheduled an ultrasound for next week to check his weight. After we get a weight, we will evaluate wether we will schedule a c-section, or just let nature take it's course. (In case you don't know, with Sarah I had a c-section so everything has to be just right to try for a natural delivery.) I have a feeling that we will have a c-section.

After the doctor... Anita, Sarah and I went to the mall because I had a gift certificate to K-B Toy's and wanted to get Sarah a special present from her brother that she can open at the hospital. We got her a newborn baby with all the "fixins". I know she'll love it. It's going to be a challenge to keep it away from her. We ate in the food court and then headed out.

Anita needed to stop by her doctor's office to have a little test run, so we stopped by there. Sarah loves seeing the doctor. She talks non-stop the whole time! At home later she kept telling me all about Doctor "Renee". She has a great memory for little things.

Next, Wal-Mart... (sigh) You go in for 2 things, and end up staying for 3 hours. Sarah refuses to sit in the front of the cart, so now we let her sit in the big part of the basket. Which means that our food gets crushed and she pulls everything apart. I'm trying to do little things to get her ready for brother and she won't be able to sit up top with an infant carrier sitting there. She thinks it's neat and so we just go with the flow!

Mammie (Anita) was dropped off at her house next and then we headed home for our nap. On the way home I thought I would call my Dad and check in on him and we ended up talking for an hour straight! I had to park on the side of the road because cell reception goes out on part of our trip home.

By the time we got home it was 3:30 and Sarah had not had a nap yet, so I put her down. She slept for and hour and then I had to wake her up to go to Nene's house (Benet Moore). We had a pizza and movie night there. They are always so much fun! We watched Batman Begins because tonight we go to see The Dark Night with them. We didn't get home until 11pm and we were all pooped. Sarah fell asleep about 30 minutes before we left there house on my lap. Sweet baby.

Let's just say it was a long day, especially for a 22 month old and a 36 week pregnant woman. But we made it and it was fun.

Tonight we see The Dark Night! We are so excited!!! My last hoorah before the baby.