Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A death in the family...

Today is so sad for me! I know I probably am scaring some of you with this entry, but it's serious to me!!! My camera died!!!! And not just that, everytime I tried to use it - IT SHOCKED ME! I think it was trying to tell me "enough is enough". I can just hear the poor little thing now, "I am NOT an SLR, I am only intended for quick pictures - not your picture taking frenzy that happens WAY too often. Give it a rest lady! If you wanted such priceless pictures you should have bought the expensive one with all the gadgets! Now I've decided I will do NO MORE! Just lay me to rest in the garbage atop of some nice cooshey trash (preferrably not a diaper, or snot-rag). Goodbye cruel world!". Haha! Maybe now I can get my present from Aaron that I've been hinting at for quite a while. If anyone wants to contribute to my cause - nocameralitis - you can contact me at spitfire_tracie@yahoo.com.